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  • Executive Solutions Worldwide
    Executive Solutions Worldwide
    Executive Solutions Worldwide
  • The Evolution of the Modern Bodyguard

    Some of the World’s largest and most successful companies spend millions of dollars annually to secure their CEO’s. Amazon spent $1.6 million to secure CEO Jeff Bezos (according to an SEC Filing). Obviously, the report does not disclose exactly what security services or assets were procured. Surely, the company sees fit to secure one of its most valuable assets at home and while traveling.

    Hire a Credible Security Company

    When you hire a security company, you are putting an enormous amount of trust in them. This needs to be a company whose hands you would quite literally be willing to put your life into. That’s no small thing. Unfortunately, there have been numerous cases of so-called “trustworthy” security companies that have proven themselves incapable of the job.